수강 신청

Level 1 Crawling Class

Unit 1. 조상들의 지혜가 엿보이는 과학 유산

Chapter 1 This is science!
Chapter 2 The clock is important
Chapter 3 Haeinsa Temple has a special building
Chapter 4 Honcheonui is important to our country

Unit 2. 대통령과 리더십

Chapter 1 He was a Korean president
Chapter 2 A president is
Chapter 3 What did our presidents do for Korea?
Chapter 4 He was a good leader!

Unit 3. 포도대장 그리고 경찰

Chapter 1 Who are the police?
Chapter 2 We don’t commit crimes
Chapter 3 The police in Joseon times
Chapter 4 The special police

Level 2 Standing Class

Unit 4. 지구 이야기

Chapter 1 I am Tyranno
Chapter 2 Fossils
Chapter 3 I went to the museum
Chapter 4 Volcanoes

Unit 5. 한반도의 신석기시대

Chapter 1 Pit-houses
Chapter 2 The Old Stone Age and The New Stone Age
Chapter 3 The New Stone Age
Chapter 4 Comb-pattern pottery 

Unit 6. 한국의 사계와 농경문화

Chapter 1 Korea has four beautiful seasons
Chapter 2 Let’s do some farming!
Chapter 3 Let’s eat multigrains
Chapter 4 There are many relics of ancient farming

Level 3 Walking Class

Unit 7. 한국의 전쟁사

Chapter 1 I’m going to the War Memorial of Korea
Chapter 2 Who is hungry?
Chapter 3 How is the class?
Chapter 4 Whose book is this?

Unit 8. 국가와 독립운동

Chapter 1 We will learn about the independence of Korea!
Chapter 2 There are many rooms in this building
Chapter 3 Here are some flags
Chapter 4 You should see the Mugunghwa

Unit 9. 한양 이야기

Chapter 1 I like the hanbok, I like it
Chapter 2 It’s my paper, It’s mine
Chapter 3 What does she do?
Chapter 4 What’s the weather like? 

Level 4 Running Class

Unit 10. 유네스코 세계유산

Chapter 1 Do you like to go to the palaces?
Chapter 2 Changdeokgung Palace looks beautiful!
Chapter 3 Where do you live?
Chapter 4 We usually have a party at Daejojeon

Unit 11. 유물로 만나는 우리 역사

Chapter 1 At The National Museum of Korea
Chapter 2 What’s your favorite subject?
Chapter 3 What do you think of it?
Chapter 4 The country of golden crowns

Unit 12. 왕의 하루

Chapter 1 At the National Palace Museum of Korea
Chapter 2 Preparing for the future king
Chapter 3 The king’s life in the palace
Chapter 4 The King’s clothing

Level 5 Jumping Class

Unit 13. 궁궐 이야기

Chapter 1 Do you know Gyeongbokgung Palace?
Chapter 2 Geunjeongjeon was the king’s office
Chapter 3 King Sejong was the greatest king

Chapter 4 Geoncheonggung has a sad story

Unit 14. 왕실 이야기

Chapter 1 Changgyeonggung Palace has many stories
Chapter 2 King Sukjong tried to control his officials
Chapter 3 Changgyeonggung Palace is the best place to learn about Joseon’s history
Chapter 4 Changyeonggung Palace is the most interesting palace!

Unit 15. 대한제국 이야기

Chapter 1 Gyeongungung Palace started a new era!
Chapter 2 Gyeongungung Palace is close to the City Hall
Chapter 3 Jeonggwanheon is a unique building
Chapter 4 The great scientist Jang Yeongsil invented the water clock

Level 6 Flying Class

Unit 16. 양반들의 생활

Chapter 1 What is a Hanok?
Chapter 2 There are different types of traditional house
Chapter 3 What are these jars?
Chapter 4 Traditional life in a hanok

Unit 17. 운현궁 이야기

Chapter 1 I am interested
Chapter 2 That’s interesting!
Chapter 3 What do you think of Korean palaces?
Chapter 4 Why don’t you write it down?

Unit 18. 한국의 전통문화

Chapter 1 Let me help you
Chapter 2 Do you want me to go?
Chapter 3 Just a moment, please
Chapter 4 Can I leave a message?

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